Production design, short film

A short film based on the play “Celaine” by Matt Parker. Stockwell, 1994. Celaine is 15 years old. She likes make up and Mcdonalds. And she hasn’t left her room in 6 months. Celaine expl

ores the pressure put upon young girls, before the rise of mobile phones and social media. What it is to be young, idealistic and trapped. It takes anxiety and the power of imagination that is so often lost on the road to adulthood and gives it a humorous twist on a girl who has confined herself to four lone walls. Celaine is the only character we see on screen, the other characters are solely voice overs, to add to Celaine’s isolation and divide from the outside world.

Stockwell, London
Studio POW

Director: Rosie Day
Producer: Kevin Proctor
DOP: Catherine Derry
Production designer: Rana Fadavi
Art dept assistants: Max Stranger, Sara Garcia
1st AC: Ella Pavlides
Sound Recordist: Simon Hornet
Make up artist: Samantha Kininmonth
Script Supervisor: Stuart Laurie
DIT: Alex Page
Gaffer: Fabio Alonso
Spark: Tony Hamilton